I DON’T KNOW MY HISTORY - and it matters

For my thesis, I designed opportunities for intergenerational queer connection. While the thesis portion of this project has concluded, the work and documentation is ongoing. Please view a series of zines documenting the work and processes below.

This thesis is a series of questions and design-led responses to explore queer connections and my own identity. Through reflections about my own queerness and history, questions emerged around the importance of intergenerational connection within queer culture, community, rights, identities, and space. 

There is a lack of opportunities to form intergenerational relationships in the general public; however, this gap is intensified in the LGBTQ+ community where family ties may not provide such relationships organically. This thesis examines this phenomenon by questioning how queer knowledge is shared between generations [in NYC] and asking:  

How might we not only create the opportunity for queer intergenerational connections, but also explore and reveal the intricacies involved in order to propose further avenues forward to ensure continual transmission of queer cultural wealth?  


Designer Researcher
Designer Strategist


Fall 2019 - Ongoing
