

Class of 2020 Reflections: Producing and pivoting design in the covid-19 pandemic

Article published in Design and Culture.

Abstract: Parsons’ MFA Transdisciplinary Design students were few of many whose capstone work and graduation experiences were altered when the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe. Post-commencement, nine students from the program held a roundtable to discuss the process of completing their thesis projects and their degrees virtually. The transcript for their collective conversation serves as the foundation for deeper reflection from two students who participated in the roundtable, as well as a point of departure for speculation about the role of autoethnography in design practice for other students and faculty.

I DONT KNOW MY HISTORY - and it matters: An Overview

This piece is includes my thesis abstract, as well as the overview and introduction to my MFA thesis on intergenerational relations. Designed as a zine, the problem and opportunity summary is intertwined with a personal letter to my unknown trans relative.

Bushwick and the $.99 Plantain Chips

This piece was the culmination of my Design Writing graduate course. Over the semester we focused on writing three separate pieces, all focused on the same item, followed by a combination essay. My item was a $.99 bag of plantain chips. Written Fall 2019.

An Obituary to Hair

This piece was part of a one week intensive project. As a small group we explored the intersection of an object (hair) and a system (gender). The final project included a soundscape, photo exhibition, and obituary to hair interactive piece. This is the accompanied writing excerpt. Written Fall 2019.

The Chthulucene Grant

This piece is a speculative design press release which imagines what a nonprofit grant may look like that allows for true design research rather than a solutions orientated approach. Inspired by Donna Haraway and my own non-profit work experiences, I wrote this as part of my Transdisciplinary Design Seminar course. Written Fall 2018.